Blasphemous 2
Adventure Fighter

Blasphemous 2 Review – A Macabre Metroidvania Grim world

Blasphemous 2 offers players a choice of three weapons for battle. The first option is the balanced sword Ruego Al Alba, providing a familiar feel for fans of the original Blasphemous. Those who prefer a more nimble option can choose the Sarmiento & Centella rapiers, which reward evasive dashing and consistent attacks. Alternatively, players can opt for the Veredicto, reminiscent of the Claimh Solais from Dawn of Sorrow. As a wielder of this massive ball-and-chain, players will feel at home with its wide attack arc, ideal for aerial enemies. However, its longer animations and lack of a block button make careful positioning crucial during boss battles.

Blasphemous 2 serves as the sequel to The Game Kitchen’s award-winning souls-like game from 2019, known for its visceral gameplay and morbid imagery inspired by the darker aspects of Roman Catholic, particularly Spanish Catholic, tradition. Drawing inspiration from Renaissance and Counter-Reformation artwork depicting angels, devils, and martyrs, the game incorporates elements of the brutality of the Spanish Inquisition, the Reconquista, and the costumes and rituals of Holy Week. The player character wears a tall, pointed helmet reminiscent of the capital worn by penitents, earning the name “The Penitent One.”

The game’s setting remains in the realm of Cvstodia, a country devastated by the Grievous Miracle. This phenomenon took hold in a nation ruled by a harsh theocracy, where the strong themes of mortification, martyrdom, and guilt caused the Miracle to deform both the land and its inhabitants in an incomprehensible design. The nation’s theocracy formed around a religion centered on the Miracle, creating a self-perpetuating cycle of worship and penance that plagued the realm for centuries. That is until the Penitent One arrives.

Blasphemous 2 The Miracle Reborn 

Blasphemous 2 unfolds a millennium after the events of its predecessor, delving into a complex lore that has always posed a challenge for clear interpretation. The enigmatic backdrop reveals Cvstodia, a land where the inhabitants’ pain and suffering compel them to seek intervention from a higher power. This collective anguish and the fervent wishes of the people give rise to The Miracle, a deity-like entity initially perceived as benevolent. However, it soon becomes evident that The Miracle distorts and perverts the people’s wishes, granting them in ways that warp the original intent. Thus, the residents of Cvstodia unknowingly pray to a being that exacerbates and perpetuates their suffering.

After Blasphemous, The Penitent One, the game’s protagonist, terminates the dominion of The Miracle. Centuries pass, transforming Cvstodia into a realm devoid of gods. Yet, the inherent nature of suffering persists, prompting people to once again turn to prayer and worship. This resurgence gives rise to the rebirth of The Miracle, represented by a pulsating heart elevated above the land, counting down to its inevitable return. Concurrently, The Penitent One is resurrected, entrusted with the mission of defeating the members of the Archonfraternity, led by Eviterno—the inaugural of the Penitents.

The narrative intricacies of Blasphemous make it such that playing the first game is not a prerequisite for enjoying the second installment. While one may overlook occasional references and the impact of revisiting iconic zones from the first game might be diminished, the storyline remains equally perplexing even for those unfamiliar with the initial installment.

The veil of mystery and obscurity shrouding the Blasphemous plot adds a layer of intrigue, ensuring that players, whether acquainted with the series or not, are immersed in a narrative that unfolds with enigmatic allure. The cyclical nature of Cvstodia’s suffering and the perpetual dance with The Miracle set the stage for a sequel that promises both continuity and fresh revelations, inviting players to unravel the mystique woven into the fabric of Blasphemous 2.

Blasphemous 2

Blasphemous 2: Arsenal Of Penitence

Remaining true to The Game Kitchen’s original vision, Blasphemous 2 stays faithful to the classic Metroidvania formula, featuring a sprawling, interconnected map, backtracking, and challenging platforming elements. In contrast to the first game, where players were limited to the thorned sword Mea Culpa, Blasphemous 2 introduces the choice of three weapons at the beginning, forming the Arsenal of Penitence when combined.

The Veredicto is a heavy flail capable of igniting to inflict additional fire damage, trading speed for raw hitting power. The Sarmiento and Centella are a rapier and dagger combo, offering exceptional speed with a narrow parrying window, and landing sufficient attacks empowers the blades with lightning damage temporarily. The balanced, serrated sword Ruego al Alba, reminiscent of Mea Culpa, allows the activation of Blood Pact mode, dealing extra mystical damage.

The Rosary makes a return, customizable with up to five rosary beads to enhance defense or provide passive effects, such as increasing Tears of Atonement earned from defeating enemies. The Altarpiece, a series of slots on the Penitent One’s armor, introduces a dynamic combat mechanic. Placing wooden figures in different slots grants additional bonuses, and combining figures can trigger favors, boosting specific weapons. Certain combinations unlock resonances, offering potent passive boosts and sometimes unlocking new abilities, like Alchemical Time, which temporarily stops time after using a healing item.

Prayers are divided into two types: Chants, powerful but fervor-intensive spells, and Quick Verses, cost-effective but smaller projectiles, providing ranged options or finishing blows. Blasphemous 2 retains the fantastic elements of its predecessor while refining the formula and introducing new features that add much-needed variety to the gameplay. The ability to experiment with different altarpieces and weapon combinations allows players to approach combat in diverse ways. The exceptional design of enemies, bosses, and levels continues to shine, creating a captivating atmosphere in Cvstodia that conveys the torment experienced by both its inhabitants and players alike.

The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death In Blasphemous 2 

The inclusion of diverse weapons in Blasphemous 2 not only enhances combat variety but also contributes to expanding the level design. Throughout the game, players will encounter unique gimmicks tailored to each weapon, introducing innovative elements to the gameplay. For instance, using the Veredicto to strike large bells can trigger shockwaves, creating temporary platforms. Alternatively, the Sarmiento & Centella allow players to stab mirrors, instantly propelling them a short distance in a specific direction.

While these mechanics may seem modest on paper, Blasphemous 2 effectively leverages them to craft engaging platforming sections between battles. Many sequences necessitate quick transitions between weapons to interact with their respective gimmicks. These moments prove consistently captivating and represent a notable improvement over the platforming sections observed in the original Blasphemous.

Exploration in Blasphemous 2 is further enriched by the introduction of new progression systems. In addition to discovering rosary beads and similar equipment for passive effects, the game introduces Marks of Martyrdom, functioning as skill points. Accumulating these marks allows players to invest in strengthening their weapons or expanding the carrying capacity for Altarpieces, enabling a more specialized playstyle. Marks can be obtained through exploration and by filling an experience bar during enemy encounters, imbuing combat with added significance without overshadowing the impact of exploration.

Divine Game Design Of Blasphemous 2 

Blasphemous 2 maintains the aesthetic continuity established by its predecessor, portraying a world where the common people have been betrayed by their faith, and civilization is mired in decay. Remaining true to its inspirations, the game proudly displays a visual style influenced by Spanish Masters like Goya and Velasquez, seamlessly integrating their motifs into the atmospheric setting of Cvstodia. The soundtrack, once again, contributes to the immersive experience, offering a beautiful and intricate accompaniment to the journey through a distorted rendition of Enlightenment Spain. Balancing the ethereal and the corporeal, both the visuals and the musical score in Blasphemous 2 are genuinely sublime.

A notable aspect is the recurrence of several enemies from the first game, which might be perceived as asset reuse. However, these enemies seamlessly fit into the narrative of Blasphemous 2, feeling just as appropriate and integral as they did in the original. The boss battles continue to be grandiose spectacles, challenging players in various ways while maintaining a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

In terms of gameplay quality, Blasphemous 2 excels. Addressing previous concerns about the difficulty of platforming and overly tough bosses in the first game, the sequel presents a more refined experience. The challenge persists, both in platforming and combat, but the introduction of different weapons and playstyles, along with streamlined platforming mechanics, enhances the overall enjoyment. The environments encourage strategic thinking rather than requiring obsessive precision in execution. Notably, side quests are more accessible, making a 100% completion run not only achievable but genuinely enjoyable.

The game demonstrates a tighter and more focused design compared to its predecessor, indicating that criticisms from the first installment have been acknowledged and utilized by The Game Kitchen to create a superior gaming experience.

Blasphemous 2

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Things To Atone For Blasphemous 2 

While I believe Blasphemous 2 represents a significant improvement, there are noteworthy aspects that slightly hinder the overall experience. While likely to be addressed in future updates, the absence of a New Game Plus (NG+) option is a source of disappointment for me. Its inclusion from the launch would have undeniably enhanced my initial playthrough. The endgame, while generally enjoyable, tends to rely excessively on confining players in rooms with increasingly annoying and numerous enemies for progression.

During my playthrough, I encountered two bothersome bugs. One involved the game not registering inputs except for the D-pad, and the other caused half of the screen to turn white. Both issues necessitated a restart to resolve. I found myself occasionally frustrated by the fact that interacting with Prie Dieu (save points) is assigned to the up button. While not inherently problematic, the joystick’s up direction also triggers the interaction, leading to accidental shrine rests when resuming play. This may not affect players using the D-pad, but the precision required for combat and platforming makes using the left stick for movement more common.

While the variety in weapons is commendable, the selection of prayers is limited, with only two or three proving remotely useful. Although efforts have been made to offer players diverse playstyles, some areas could benefit from further expansion. I anticipate that, in line with The Game Kitchen’s approach to additional content in Blasphemous, future updates for Blasphemous 2 will likely address some of the aspects that I found jarring. Nevertheless, the game’s overall greatness and the potential for continued improvement make it evident that Blasphemous 2 is a noteworthy achievement.

The End of Blasphemous 2 didn’t justify the means 

Although I found satisfaction in this interpretation, I believe the execution of the story is somewhat conflicting. In contrast, when FromSoftware employs vague, minimalist storytelling, I generally appreciate it because it tends to remain in the background. It serves as material for lore enthusiasts to unravel, seamlessly blending with the atmosphere.

Blasphemous 2 takes a different approach by giving its story more prominence. The plot is presented as if players are deeply invested, without actively drawing them in. For instance, I stumbled upon a late-game secret accompanied by a horror stinger sound effect, as if I had just unearthed something mind-blowing. However, despite understanding the implications, I didn’t feel particularly engaged. This made the moment oddly comical for me, even though that was not the intended effect.


  1. Intricately detailed pixel art featuring terrifying enemy designs.An engagingg blend of expansive combat and outstanding platforming.
  2. Exceptionally atmospheric locations that enhance the overall experience.
  3. Well-designed implementation of Metroidvania elements.
  4. Significant enhancements to the core combat mechanics.
  5. Another outstanding soundtrack to complement the game.


  1. Occasional minor frame rate fluctuations.
  2. A minor camera glitch was observed in a specific area.

Blasphemous 2 Verdict

Blasphemous II faced the daunting task of living up to high expectations and proving its ambition. Reflecting on the 20+ hours I’ve invested in this game, I can confidently assert that the successor to Blasphemous surpasses the monumental expectations it carried. The developers’ ambition has not only avoided stifling creativity but has resulted in a game of exceptional quality, easily ranking among the best games of 2023.

Remaining faithful to the dark and gory style of its predecessor, Blasphemous 2 builds on the core combat while enhancing the platforming elements introduced in the first installment. While delivering more of what worked in the original could have sufficed, The Game Kitchen opted for meaningful upgrades. The game features deeper and more satisfying combat, along with three upgradable weapon sets that seamlessly complement environmental puzzles, creating a more cohesive and fluid experience. The Penitent One’s return to Cvstodia is nothing short of outstanding.

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