The Talos Principle 2
Adventure Puzzle Technology

The Talos Principle 2 Review A Masterpiece And A Genius Puzzle Game.

The Talos Principle 2 significantly broadens the series’ narrative, immersing players in a stunning world filled with captivating characters and intriguing dialogue, seamlessly intertwined with challenging puzzles. While delivering an enriching experience, the game inherently unveils the mysteries of its predecessor, offering explicit details on the aftermath of exiting the simulation.

Players discover the fate of the new humans, the immediate events post-simulation, and the Earth’s current state. This narrative expansion, coupled with the continued high-quality puzzles, marks The Talos Principle 2 as a compelling continuation that both elucidates and captivates.

Exploring The Talos Principle 2: A Journey into Philosophical Gaming Brilliance

The Talos Principle 2 stands as a captivating first-person puzzle experience, seamlessly expanding upon the philosophical foundations and visually striking landscapes introduced in its predecessor. As players delve into increasingly intricate challenges, the game transforms into a thought-provoking odyssey, immersing them in an intellectual and visually stunning world.

The allure of The Talos Principle 2 is encapsulated in a mesmerizing 30-plus-hour journey, leaving an indelible mark as one of the most gratifying gaming experiences in recent memory. The game’s allure is heightened by a profound and compelling message on the profound topic of how we as individuals attribute meaning to the vast expanse of the universe.

The seamless transition from surprise to admiration is evident in the game’s lineage. Serving as a faithful sequel to The Talos Principle, a title that garnered widespread acclaim in 2014, The Talos Principle 2 continues the legacy. Developers Croteam, renowned for their exuberant shoot ’em up Serious Sam series, astoundingly shift gears, presenting a quiet, contemplative, and intellectually rich adventure game. This departure from their established pattern reveals a hitherto undiscovered facet of their creative prowess.

The sequel marks a narrative evolution, departing from the minimalist storytelling and open-ended climax of its predecessor. It crafts a traditional tale propelled by character motivations and goals, pivoting from the individual focus of the first game to a collective exploration of the many. Engaging with a diverse cast of characters, players are offered numerous dialogue options, enabling their characters to express opinions on the unfolding story. While the choices may not radically alter the narrative, the thematic exploration proves captivating, resonating with fiction while drawing poignant parallels to our historical journey.

The Talos Principle 2 emerges not merely as a sequel but as a transformative experience, blending intellectual depth with compelling gameplay—a testament to Croteam’s unexpected and impressive venture into the realm of philosophical gaming.

The Talos Principle 2


I experienced The Talos Principle 2 on a gaming PC equipped with an AMD Ryzen 7 5800x CPU and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070Ti GPU, boasting 32 GB of RAM—meeting or surpassing the developer’s recommended specifications. Playing at 1440p resolution, the game maintained an impressive average of 85 FPS, delivering a generally stable frame rate. However, occasional frame rate dips occurred in specific sequences, notably during an early cutscene featuring androids riding a monorail into the city of New Jerusalem.

The android dream segments and particle-filled elevator scenes presented minimal issues, but a unique occurrence involved a game crash during a puzzle. Surprisingly, the problematic puzzle featured minimal elements and lighting effects, leading to a complete crash on my Windows desktop. Fortunately, this was a singular incident, and attempts to replicate the crash were unsuccessful. Despite these occasional hiccups, The Talos Principle 2 showcased commendable performance on my well-equipped gaming rig.


The futuristic backdrop of The Talos Principle 2 unfolds with captivating and imaginative visual nuances. In the wake of humanity’s extinction, towering structures, now adorned with nature’s reclamation, showcase a delicate blend of overgrowth. The island itself is a picturesque expanse, adorned with evergreen trees, pristine ponds, and flowing streams. The androids, featuring robotic limbs juxtaposed against distinctly human faces, skillfully blur the boundaries between the unreal and hyper-real.

Players are granted the freedom to explore both the island and the city of New Jerusalem, immersing themselves in the serene yet bittersweet ambiance. Enhancing the atmospheric experience is the evocative soundtrack, a collaboration between Damjan Mravunac and guest artist Chris Christodoulou. This melodic accompaniment provides a soothing backdrop to the exploration, enriching the emotional resonance of The Talos Principle 2’s futuristic and visually arresting world.


The narrative of The Talos Principle 2 seamlessly continues from its predecessor, unfolding a world marred by a virus unleashed from melting permafrost that tragically eradicates humanity. In a desperate bid to perpetuate human culture, scientist Alexandra Drennan pioneers the creation of the first androids—artificial entities endowed with cognition and emotions.

The game propels players into the heart of this synthetic evolution, with AI machines establishing the thriving city of New Jerusalem. The opening sequences serve as a tutorial, acquainting players with the control of an android about to be “born” into the city. Guided by the enigmatic voice of Elohim, players navigate through introductory puzzles, setting the stage for the protagonist, 1K, the 1,000th and final android conceived to carry on humanity’s legacy.

While science fiction narratives often struggle to captivate me, The Talos Principle 2 defies expectations by weaving a story that resonates with personal relevance. The narrative delves into the characters’ desires, needs, and struggles, rendering them surprisingly relatable. 

The game’s exploration of artificial intelligence challenges preconceived notions and, at times, prompts players to ponder the very essence of humanity. By infusing depth into the narrative and inviting contemplation on existential themes, The Talos Principle 2 transcends the typical sci-fi tale, delivering a compelling and thought-provoking experience.


In The Talos Principle 2, players enjoy unrestricted exploration of both the city of New Jerusalem and a mysterious island. This open-world design allows interactions with various androids, the discovery of hidden puzzles, and the flexibility to choose the order in which puzzles are tackled. The absence of time constraints encourages a thoughtful approach, emphasizing the necessity of careful consideration for puzzle-solving.

The game’s puzzles offer multiple solutions, granting players the freedom to exercise ingenuity and creativity. While each puzzle has a designated “main” solution, the inclusion of Prometheus Sparks introduces the option to skip puzzles. Players can navigate through the puzzles in a non-linear fashion, and although puzzles are numbered from 1 to 8, the order of completion remains at the player’s discretion.

Each area encompasses 11 puzzles, comprising eight standard challenges, two elusive “lost” puzzles, and a challenging Gold puzzle, providing an extra layer of complexity for those seeking an additional test of skill. The Talos Principle 2 thus empowers players with autonomy, fostering a personalized and engaging puzzle-solving experience.

The Talos Principle 2

THE TALOS PRINCIPLE 2: Red Light, Blue Light

Croteam defies expectations in The Talos Principle 2 by introducing a multitude of puzzles, primarily centered around colored lasers and various gadgets. Crystal ‘refractors’ and jammers from the first game make a return, enabling the relay of color-coded lasers and the deactivation of obstructive walls. The game introduces several new devices that manipulate and transport colored lasers, showcasing the astonishing puzzle potential derived from their combinations.

Among the diverse array of devices, the teleporter emerges as a standout, providing a solution to maneuver devices through the challenging purple gates. The absence of tutorials for these devices doesn’t hinder the player’s understanding, as each tool is introduced one at a time, facilitating experimentation and fostering a sense of satisfaction upon mastery.

Puzzle difficulty is judiciously structured, with each environment featuring eight puzzles labeled 1 to 8, progressively increasing in complexity. Bonus puzzles offer an alternative for those stuck on main challenges, and Prometheus tokens provide a last resort to bypass puzzles, although they are scarce and strategically placed.

The puzzle-centric gameplay is interspersed with exploration and dialogue segments, allowing players to engage with fellow expedition members and take respite from the cerebral challenges. Interactive terminals, reminiscent of the first game, offer over a hundred messages from ancient and robotic entities, enriching the game’s lore.

Despite the game’s strengths, occasional stutters, lags, and crashes were noted during gameplay. The recommendation for solid-state drives over hard disk drives did not entirely account for these issues. Nevertheless, the frequent autosaves mitigate the impact on the overall experience, and the potential for performance improvement through later patches remains promising.

In summary, The Talos Principle 2 impressively expands its puzzle repertoire, seamlessly blending challenge and exploration while offering a narrative enriched with diverse characters and lore. Despite technical hiccups, the game maintains its engaging appeal, inviting players to navigate a world brimming with intellectual and visual delights.

THE TALOS PRINCIPLE 2: Bring On The Puzzles

The initial moments of The Talos Principle 2 echo its predecessor, dropping players into a desert landscape with familiar puzzle chambers involving electronic doors and strategically placed boxes. However, this serves as a deceptive tutorial, as the narrative swiftly takes a profound turn. Players are abruptly removed from a simulation machine, revealing their identity as a robot in a futuristic society thriving with intelligent machines.

In contrast to the first game’s solitary atmosphere relying on lore logs for storytelling, the sequel places narrative at the forefront. A chapter unfolds with the protagonist wandering the hub city, engaging in conversations with fellow robots, and delving into the intricacies of their society. The addition of a social media platform featuring philosophical discussions among bots adds a layer of complexity to the sequel’s discourse. A celebratory event gone awry thrusts the player into an expedition to explore a mysterious pyramid, necessitating the activation of towers in various areas—each step entailing the resolution of numerous puzzles, a core element of the game’s immersive experience.


The primary flaw I can discern in The Talos Principle 2 revolves around its secondary puzzle mechanic, involving Tetris-like block assembly to create bridges—a step up from the tetromino door-locks in the first game but still lacking in substantial interest. However, these segments constitute such a small fraction of the overall experience that it amounts to a mere nitpick.

Setting aside the slightly dull bridge-building aspect, which is an improvement on one of the first game’s few weaknesses, The Talos Principle 2 excels in ways that few sequels manage. Beyond the apparent technical and artistic advancements, it unfolds a more intricate and layered narrative, inviting exploration from diverse perspectives and encouraging multiple playthroughs.

The prospect of revisiting The Talos Principle 2’s picturesque world, armed with photo mode and a keen eye for hidden puzzles and mysteries, sparks anticipation. The philosophical musings, often centered around cherishing sapience as a uniquely valuable essence, have nudged me toward a more optimistic mindset. The game’s underlying message resonates—humanity possesses the capacity to enhance the world, if only for the sake of the cats.

A Philosophical Odyssey In The Talos Principle 2

Embark on the next chapter of The Talos Principle narrative through an engaging and thought-provoking interactive story. This character-driven experience, crafted by the returning writers Jonas Kyratzes (known for The Eternal Cylinder and Clash: Artifacts of Chaos) and Tom Jubert (renowned for The Swapper and Subnautica), along with the addition of Verena Kyratzes (contributor to The Hand of Merlin and Serious Sam 4), promises multiple endings.

Delve into a rich storytelling tapestry that unfolds within the game, offering players a diverse and immersive narrative landscape. The collaborative efforts of these accomplished writers hint at a continuation of the philosophical and narrative depth that defines The Talos Principle series.

Brave New World In The Talos Principle 2

Discover over a dozen new environments in The Talos Principle 2, ranging from a city on the cusp of transformation to diverse landscapes on a mysterious island, harboring the secrets to the future. Amidst puzzle-solving, pause to unveil concealed secrets and unravel forgotten historical threads, adding depth to the immersive exploration experience.

The Talos Principle 2

The Talos Principle 2: Idols Of The Cave

Continuing seamlessly from its predecessor, The Talos Principle 2 picks up immediately where the first game concluded. Those familiar with the initial installment will find the sequel’s opening strikingly similar, immersing players in a series of environmental puzzles within Egyptian-themed ruins, accompanied by the resonant voice of Elohim. However, this familiarity is transient as players are swiftly transported into the genuine world—a futuristic civilization of robots that mirrors humanity’s creativity through advanced structures and sentient mechanical inhabitants.

Despite the extinction of biological humans, the essence of humanity perseveres in the form of successive generations inhabiting New Jerusalem. This city, purposefully designed for and populated by conscious robots, serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of human ingenuity in The Talos Principle 2’s captivating and thought-provoking narrative.

The Talos Principle 2- Machine Learning

The success of The Talos Principle was in no small part due to its multitude of challenging environmental puzzles, and its sequel doesn’t disappoint in this regard. The sprawling semi-open world of the sequel is peppered with numerous puzzles across a dozen biomes, all linked by a railway system to the colossal central Megastructure. Navigating between these regions is seamless due to the hub-and-spoke layout.

The vast landscapes, complemented by moody melodies, create picturesque moments that captivate players. The newly introduced photo mode enhances the experience, offering various filters, frames, and tools for editing screenshots. Initially anticipating occasional HUD-free captures, I found myself immersed in photo mode, spending more time than expected experimenting with poses and props for the protagonist, 1K. This addition adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the already engaging puzzle-solving experience.

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Embarking on the main journey in The Talos Principle 2 unfolds as a profoundly rewarding puzzle gaming experience. The game strikes a balance, delivering intelligent and challenging puzzles without veering into excessive obtuseness or difficulty. The unexpected depth in storytelling and writing adds a delightful surprise to the overall narrative. While a bit of trimming could enhance the experience by reducing bloat, the game stands as a recent standout in a year filled with stellar releases.

Despite its accessibility and lack of combat or fail states, The Talos Principle 2 introduces puzzles that progressively escalate in complexity, turning the gameplay into a gauntlet of challenges. From basic tasks like moving boxes to manipulating gravity, the puzzles demand increasing levels of ingenuity.

Initial reservations regarding the futuristic sci-fi storyline were swiftly dispelled. The game, contrary to my expectations, succeeded in winning me over. The introduction of the character 1K, thrust into grappling with an unforeseen prophecy to shape an uncertain future, adds layers of intrigue. Players are granted the freedom to mold 1K’s narrative through their choices, resulting in a unique experience with the talented puzzle-solving AI life form, mirroring the diversity in their puzzle solutions.

Remarkably, The Talos Principle 2, under the banner of Devolver Digital, managed to instill genuine care for the narrative of artificial intelligence, a testament to the game’s narrative and gameplay prowess. The unlikely fusion of futuristic robots and human mimicry became a compelling and engaging element, showcasing the game’s ability to transcend preconceived notions and immerse players in a thought-provoking adventure.



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